Archive for the ‘Martha Wolfenstein’ Category

Elder Brothers Traditional Christmas Hate

December 24, 2009

Read a traditional Judaic children’s Christmas Eve (“Nitel Night”) story and consider how this dreary, paranoid, hate-filled, tribal tradition can account for the relentless Judaic attack on Christmas. The “elder brothers” have traditionally taught their children to not only to fear and hate Jesus, but to believe that He is the cause of all their problems, through tales that long predate Stephen King and upstage him immeasurably in ponderous gloom:

” … Up to the end of the Jews’ street he walked at ease, but at the corner, where began the enemy’s world, he stopped like a frightened hare, scenting the hunter’s hounds … He passed the cemetery without a tremor; on that night [Christmas Eve] it was but the living he feared. The next turning brought him to the church. He remembered his mother’s warning not to pass it … Just as he came opposite the church door, it opened, and forth came a laughing group of men and girls who hurried away, the last one leaving the door ajar. From the shadow into which he had crept, Hirshl could look within, down to the shining altar where hung a half-naked, blood-stained effigy of Jesus of Nazareth.

“It is their God,” he thought, and gazed with fear and loathing at the ghastly figure. In his mind there loomed mystically, vaguely, but fearfully, the consciousness that the source of all their troubles lay in that horrible figure.

How spectral the gloom of those shadowy knaves! What harrowing mysteries hid behind those dark chancel doors! Was it there they kept that awful host, on account of which the Jews had to stay in their houses during Passion week,* and which bled–so the Christians said–when a Jew looked upon it? Then a chancel door began slowly and silently to slide ajar, and Hershl turned and fled in terror …” (“Nittel Nacht,” A Renegade and Other Tales, edited by Martha Wolfenstein, Kessinger Publishing)

The canon of Judaic fables of total goy evil contrasted against total “Jew” saintly victimhood, which functions as a virtual wall between the tribe and ‘the goyim,’ extends far beyond this collection. This and other collections, such as Lilith’s Cave, contain many such tales, but they are only adaptations for children of the tribal paranoia and hate of Talmud and Kabbalah.

* see: Reckless Rites, Elliot Horowitz, pp.172-174, Princeton University Press

Also see:

How Benedict’s Elder Brothers Observe Christmas Eve

What Does Christmas Have To Do With The Hanging Of Saddam Hussein?

Amalek, Haman, and Christians