Archive for the ‘Justice Minister’ Category

Ireland’s Judaic ‘Justice, Equality, Defence’ and Immigration Minister Sends Irish Population Transfer Holdouts to the Guilt Chambers

September 14, 2012

Shameful Irish stood silent while the Holocaust happened says Irish Justice Minister

James O’Brien – Irish Central

Ireland had a terrible record when it came to stopping the extermination of Jews, Irish Minister for Justice Alan Shatter stated yesterday, the Irish Times reports. He was speaking at a conference in Dublin commemorating the work of Raoul Wallenberg who saved thousands of Jews from the Holocaust …

“It is morally absurd that Ahmadinejad still rules Iran, an active denier of the Shoah who has promised to use nuclear missiles to turn Israel to smoke and ash. And the silence of so many of the non-aligned states in the face of his threats must surely undermine their moral authority to speak on important issues of international concern,” said Mr Shatter …

Good grief.

Who at this late hour cannot identify Shatter’s ‘Holocaust’ squawking as the Hava Megillah which that lunatic Schneerson devotee Benjamin Netanyahu is attempting to rouse the world to? Have we still not yet had our fill of Purimspiel paranoia and vengeance from these fanatical interlopers?

This Judaic fellow, Alan Shatter who last year stepped into a position of vast power unexplainedly created for him in the Irish government, is overseeing the largest population transfer of native Irish out of Ireland since the Judeo-Masonic so-called ‘potato-famine’ of the 19th century, with a flood of poor Asians, Africans, East Europeans and Roma arriving in their stead. This ‘Irish’ ‘Justice, Equality, Defence’ and Immigration Minister is simultaneously a fanatical advocate of a culturally and ethnically pure ‘Jewish’ state as he browbeats the Irish victims of his cultural genocide.

A chief player in this most recent Irish ethnic cleansing program, Shatter sends the holdouts to the ‘Holocaust’ guilt chambers, an ongoing project of his which he would like to augment with criminal charges for those who refuse to assent their will to his ‘Holocaust’ blather.

I repeat once again, non-Judaic people, especially Christians, have been bashed over the head with guilt for 60 years for allegedly not doing enough to save ‘The Jews’ from ‘The Holocaust’ when the holy books of ‘The Jews’ tell them not to save the lives of non-‘Jews’ when they are in danger. The double-standard is so outrageous, it’s inconceivable to most people.

Let us understand the matter better. Let us learn from the sages of Judaism at Mercaz HaRav which we know as, among other things, the place of formation of Pope Benedict’s “father in the faith” and Cardinal Martini’s “superior,” Rabbi She’ar Yashuv Cohen, and a place very dear to the Netanyahu (nee: Millikowsky) family (background HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE). This is not some small, fringe ‘extremist’ group. Mercaz HaRav is ground zero of religious Zionism since ‘Israel’ was British Mandate Palestine.


Jews [not Gentiles] Are Called — Man: The Distinction between Jews and Gentiles in Torah, by Rabbi David Bar Chaim of Yeshivat Mercaz HaRav

Also see:

Ireland Pushed Closer to ‘Noahide’ Tyranny

Economic Terrorism and Population Transfer in Ireland

Irish Leaders Castigated As Greatest Traitors Of All Time

Chabad Rabbi Leaves Purim-Celebrating ‘Noahide’ to Die of Alcohol Poisoning Outside his Gate

A Lesson in “Globalism”