Founder of American Judaism, Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise: "Masonry founded by Jews as a cosmopolitical institution"

Also see:

A Lesson in Globalism

NOACHIDAE. The descendants of Noah, and the transmitters of his religious dogmas, which were the unity of God and the immortality of the soul. The name has from the earliest times been bestowed upon the Freemasons, who teach the same doctrines. Thus in the “old charges,” as quoted by Anderson (Const. edit. 1738, p. 143), it is said, “A mason is obliged by his tenure to observe the moral law as a true Noachidae.” (The Symbolism of Freemasonry: Illustrating and Explaining Its Science and Philosophy, its Legends, Myths and Symbols, Albert G. Mackey)

TALMUD. The mystical philosophy of the Jewish Rabbins is contained in the Talmud … In the Talmud much will be found of great interest to the masonic student. (The Symbolism of Freemasonry: Illustrating and Explaining Its Science and Philosophy, its Legends, Myths and Symbols, Albert G. Mackey)

CABALA. The mystical philosophy of the Jews. The word which is derived from a Hebrew root, signifying to receive, has sometimes been used in an enlarged sense, as comprehending all the explanations, maxims, and ceremonies which have been traditionally handed down to the Jews; but in that more limited acceptation, in which it is intimately connected with the symbolic science of Freemasonry, the cabala may be defined to be a system of philosophy which embraces certain mystical interpretations of Scripture, and metaphysical speculations concerning the Deity, man, and spiritual beings. In these interpretations and speculations, according to the Jewish doctors, were enveloped the most profound truths of religion, which, to be comprehended by finite beings, are obliged to be revealed through the medium of symbols and allegories … (The Symbolism of Freemasonry: Illustrating and Explaining Its Science and Philosophy, its Legends, Myths and Symbols, Albert G. Mackey)

Also see:

Papal Commission Promotes Noahide Laws

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3 Responses to “Founder of American Judaism, Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise: "Masonry founded by Jews as a cosmopolitical institution"”

  1. Abe Says:

    Truman recieves Menaroh on his borthday May 8, 1951 from Prime Minister David Ben Gurion of Israel and Abba Eban.

    Menorah on the U.S.S. Ford.

    Jimmy Carter lights the first National Menorah in 1979 at at Lafayette Park.

    Ronald Reagan receives Menorah on December 15, 1987.

    Gerald Ford's letter to Menachem Schneerson

    HW Bush & Menorah

    Bill Clinton & Menorah

    'W' Bush & Menorah,7340,L-3639159,00.html

    Obama's Hanukkah Lamp

    Hanukkah at White House

    The Kosher Kitchen

    How Hanukkah Came to the White House

    5773 National Menorah Lighting…rumored that Menachem Schneerson was a no-show again 😦

  2. LeonG Says:

    Noticeable this pope we have has been in more synagogues than his predecessor. Cardinal Koch said the jews do not need to convert to catholicism for salvation as their covenant is still valid. What? Christ wasted His time then with all that suffering?In various places now we have freemasons at the Novus Ordo Mass, latin America for example and we also have jews and masons as papal knights. You cannot get darker than that! How many cardinals are still freemasons I wonder?

  3. Abe Says:

    “Lighting the Chanukah menorah, then, suggests the Kedushat Levi, does not commemorate the miracle of the Hasmonean victory, but rather serves as a sign of God’s delight in the Jewish people’s festivals and celebrations.”

    Argentine Catholics and Jews celebrate Hanukkah

    Cantare Sings Chanukah Suite

    Hanukkah brings Catholics and Jews together

    Lessons of Hanukkah for 2012

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