"Jewish Values Lobby" Pressuring Israeli Employers to Force Palestinian Workers to Sign "Noahide Law" Contract

Contraray to what is stated below, the seven “Noahide Laws” are not in the Tanach (Old Testament). They’re a tyrannical, talmudic invention.

“I hereby sign that I will undertake to observe the Seven Noachide Laws and declare my faithfulness to the Jewish nation according to Jewish values,” it is written in the statement. “I know that if I am caught violating any one of these laws, my employer will be allowed to fire me with no prior notice nor compensation.”

Arabs in Tzefat and the Seven Noachide Laws

Shmais News Service

Thursday, Feb 18, 2010

Below is a free translation of an article that appeared in the Maariv newspaper on Wednesday:

Do Arab workers in businesses in Tzefat and the surrounding area need to fulfill commandments from the Tanach? This is the opinion of activists from the “Jewish Values Lobby,” who are starting a campaign to persuade employers to ask their workers to sign a religious statement according to which they will undertake to observe the Seven Noachide Laws. These include prohibitions against eating parts of a live animal, serving idols, desecrating Hashem’s name, immorality, robbery, and violence.

This initiative, which is expected to take Israeli Arabs by storm, was officially launched today. Lobbyists will visit businesses in Tzefat and the surrounding communities, which employ hundreds of Arabs living nearby, and they will ask them to sign their employees on a commitment to observe the Seven Noachide Laws.

“I hereby sign that I will undertake to observe the Seven Noachide Laws and declare my faithfulness to the Jewish nation according to Jewish values,” it is written in the statement. “I know that if I am caught violating any one of these laws, my employer will be allowed to fire me with no prior notice nor compensation.”

The Jewish Values Lobby explained that this campaign does not contradict a directive from one of the Jewish leaders of the generation from two years ago against employing Arab workers in public places. “We recommend that people don’t employ Arab workers,” a spokesman from the lobby explained. “But unfortunately, there are many Jews who employ Arabs in their stores, so we decided to deal with reality.”


5 Responses to “"Jewish Values Lobby" Pressuring Israeli Employers to Force Palestinian Workers to Sign "Noahide Law" Contract”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    So what Christians ? What are you going to do about it ? Turn your other cheek so fast that you blow your elder brethren over with the wind ?Just be good sheep and be thankful that they don't start rounding you up in pens . Oh yeah , you Christians would probably like that martyrdom scenario . LOL

  2. Anonymous Says:

    There's nothing Christians or anyone else can do against these World-controllers. The global (non)-reaction to the Dubai killing of that Hamas official is yet another proof of this, as though we need any more proofs.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    so why do you keep trying?

  4. Anonymous Says:

    Whose trying? Nothing more than pissing in the wind. The Jews will trip themselves up. History has a tendency of repeating itself.

  5. Anonymous Says:

    On a different subject and it will likely vanish in a few seconds:http://www.thejc.com/blogpost/the-orphans-picnic#new

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